Throughout the United States, parents are proving that they can be a vital force for positive change in their local schools. As a result, children are achieving more and schools are becoming a focus of community life.
There are several sources of excellent information about the many things parents can do both at home and at school. Here are some of the best links we could find. Let us know if there are others that you have found to be especially helpful.
Parents’ Page Links
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Annenberg Institute for School Reform
The Beach Center on Families and Disability
Committee on Education and the Workforce
The Education Policy and Leadership Center
The Family Education Network
Federation for Children with Special Needs
The Future of Children
Good Schools Pennsylvania
The International Dyslexia Association – Legal and Legislative
Kids Together, Inc.
Information and resources for children and adults with disablities.
Promoting inclusive communities where all people belong.
Inclusive education and lots of links.
National Center for Science Education, Inc.
National Education Goals Panel
National Coalition of Advocates for Students (NCAS)
National Parent Information Network
National Parent Network on Disabilities
Pennsylvania Department of Education
The Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Council
The Council is comprised of people with disabilities, family members, service providers and policy-makers who work together to improve conditions for people with developmental disabilities in the Commonwealth. The Council is mandated as a result of the federal Developmental Disabilities Assistance Act. It operates with a five year plan and issues grants in order to achieve its goals and mission. Current education initiatives include teacher preparation and the school and community diversity Minigrant program. The Council also funds numerous programs that assist families in advocating for their children.
Pennsylvania PTA
Pennsylvania Tourette Syndrome Association
Rethinking Schools – An Urban Educational Journal
The Special Education Advocate
Study Circles Resource Center
The Action Starts Here (TASH)
U.S. Department of Education
U.S. Department of Education Parent Publications
United Cerebral Palsy
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