School Funding Reform
January 2004 – Education Week’s Annual Quality Counts Survey
February 2003 – “Successful Schools Budget” Proposal Re-Introduced
The funding proposal Gov. Ed Rendell called the best of the bunch is back, promising more state aid, cuts in local taxes, and accountability for higher student achievement.
January 2003 – PA’s Ranking Falls Again
A national report card shows Pennsylvania nearly at the bottom in the fairness of its school funding system.
January 2003 – Rendell Highlights School Funding Reform
During his first minutes as governor, Ed Rendell put school funding reform front and center. Here’s what he said.
Education Week’s Annual Quality Counts Survey
Click here to find out how Pennsylvania scored on Education Week’s annual Quality Counts survey. Compare how PA stacks up against other states.
PA’s Education System Retains Rank of Third Worst in Nation.
PA’s Ranking Falls Again
Pennsylvania’s ranking among the states fell again, according to Education Week’s annual “Quality Counts” report card. In this report, we have the third worst system for funding public schools in the nation, trailing only Illinois and North Dakota. Two years ago, Pennsylvania ranked 8th worst.
Pennsylvania ranks poorly because the state does not contribute a large enough share of public school costs. As a result, the quality of a child’s education depends far more on the wealth or poverty of the child’s hometown than on the child’s innate gifts, talents, and hard work. Reform, therefore, requires a greater state commitment. It requires a system that has adequate resources, equitably distributed, with accountability for higher student achievement in exchange for additional funding.
See http://www.edweek.org/sreports/qc03/reports/equity-t1.cfm
Rendell Highlights School Funding Reform
Gov. Ed Rendell made the reform of our school funding system a central focus of his remarks at his inaugural ceremony. Click here for the text of the Governor’s inaugural address.
“Successful Schools Budget” Proposal Re-Introduced
On March 10, Rep. Nick Micozzie re-introduced his “Successful Schools Budget” proposal. The proposal follows a four-step process to increase state aid to schools, cut local taxes, and arrive at a budget for each school district that is fair to children and to taxpayers. It also holds schools accountable for higher student achievement.
Click here for detailed information about the Successful Schools Budget proposal, including information for your school district on local tax cuts and state funding increases.
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